some things are better left unexplained.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

30/30 The Not So Grand Finale

The children gaze skyward
Wide-eyed and covering their ears
Their wonder is genuine
Their appreciation coming in squeals and shudders
They are naive
Thinking each burst is the best one yet
The adults watch them
Dancing on spent sparklers
Flinching with each delayed boom
Delighting in the crackles and bright fireflies
Duller than we remember
But to them, there could be nothing more brilliant
We are creating their memories
Watching their childhood take shape
Their mirth is the true entertainment here
Together awaiting each barrage
Perk up at false starts
Glance hopefully at watches
With every pregnant pause
We hold hands
Savoring the faces of our children
They don't yet know the word finale
Glance sideways in the glow, perplexed
Ask why the neighbors depart early
No concept of traffic and timing
Never wondering how much this production all cost
They don't care about such trivia
While the sky is erupting above
This show is for them
Each burst jolts their sternum
They fear the low aerials
Watch lingering comets of perchlorate fall
Wonder if they could catch one
Whether it would burn
We assure them they are safe
Just in case, they cover their heads with their hands
It is past their bedtime
The grand finale explodes
Small jaws drop
Speechless for the first time all night
Adult shoulders shrug
Smiling and relieved
Dreading the inevitable gridlock of exodus
We exchange knowing glances
We are here for our children
As the finale dims
The last echo fades
The children squeal and applaud
We feign amazement for their benefit
Head for the parking lot
Buckle them tight
We will do this again next year
We promise
It is our tradition
It has always been this way
We will always have a fine time at the fireworks
None the less
They will never be as good as our memory

29/30 Charlotte

Nimble and sleepless
She spins her silk symphony
Slow and subtle, persistent
Dexterity no ten fingers could equal
Following patterns etched in instinct
The beauty of the hunt and the brood
She is watching, impatient
Never losing a stitch
Unfazed by the breeze
Or the dewdrops

28/30 Voice of angels

They would fall to their knees and tremble
Fearing the power
The beauty
The wrath

They are kind to strangers
Just in case
There are angels who come in disguise

There is a range of emotion
The extremes of which can never be tapped
Without trauma or pure ecstasy
These are the yearnings
I do not know

27/30 The return flight

Overseas vacation is meant to be glorious
Refreshing and cathartic
Adventure and fireworks
Nothing but cherished memories

There are mishaps and regrets
Jet lag and food poisoning
Time wasted and missed opportunities
But in sum the journey
Has been life changing

How unfortunate
That it always ends with a plane flight
Hours confined to a cramped chair
Seat backs and tray tables
Punctuated by tiny drinks from a cart
A closet bathroom the only escape

Hours of restlessness
Remembering the joys of holiday
Bemoaning the coming resumption of work
When it is almost over
They will hand you the punch line of vacation
Yes, you will be asked to do paperwork

Even the landing is not the end
You will shuffle from plane to hallway
Stand in a line
Exhausted and impatient
Yearning for the comfort of bed
You will wait, bleary-eyed
Til they call you forth
Eye your paperwork in silence
And ask you
If you have anything to declare

26/30 The Sketch

Live music is a treasure
Whether skillful or unfortunate
No digital file can substitute for experience
The odor and humidity
The jostling and sound checks
And that one creepy old guy in the back
Without fail, he would be there
Flaunting a hairstyle
Twenty years older than the band
Dangling, unwashed braids
Feathered 70's mane
Greasy mullet
And the tee shirt of some band
That broke up in a previous decade
Leaning on a door frame
Head metronome to the bass line
Tall, short, lean, or fat
Mustachioed or soul patched
Eyes lingering on young women
They could be his daughter
Even in a crowded room
There is often space around him
He gives off the vibe
They are wise to stay clear
Enjoy the reverb and feedback
The thrill of sweat and kick drum
Savor the memory
In time
It all runs together
Years of smells and faces
Decades of sustained chords and encores
But lately
It's different somehow
The bands are younger
Each one is less memorable
The crowd looks less like I remember
And I haven't spotted the creepy old guy in a while
I have migrated lately
From the stage to the back
I used to dance
Sway and gyrate with the rest
But the speakers are too loud
The jostling annoys me
I prefer to sit back and observe
Lean against a door post
Occasionally some kid tells me
He likes my Rollins Band shirt
I thank him
Smiling at the girl on his arm
They move on
I keep bobbing my head
Enjoy the bass line
Remind myself I'm due for a haircut

25/30 Babble

The evolution of her speech
From squeal to syllable
da da da da da
First monotone
Now with cadence
First random
Now on command
One consonant to two
Soon, fine motor dexterity
Spawns more diverse sounds
In this stage of development
Than she will use as an adult.
Her mind is linguistically open
Any day now this will end
My child will begin to cull her speech
Forgo clucks and umlauts of other tongues
Keep only those she hears
The tones and accents that daily assault her ears
I will teach her this
My words and inflection teaching right from wrong
Our way from the other
She will grow and travel
They will hear my voice in hers
They will know where she comes from
And when they do
I only hope my child is proud.

24/30 Bless your heart

When heartache blooms poison
Injected starburst of black
Both numb and relentless
We search in vain
For just the right spot to clutch

Bitter symphoinies of hard facts
Cannonball stomachs
Cram lumps down our gullet
Burn retinas irrefutable
We sprout genuine

This is the great unveiling
Rendered bittersweet and naked
Glaring heavenward
Our paint runs soluble
Grief has no umbrella

The reflex of crisis
Learned shotgun slow
They will be watching for signals
Armor rust skepticicm
Convince them all is well

23/30 Taming the scruff

They began as one more embarrassment of puberty
Sparse and haphazard
In patches of chin and upper lip
The occasional sideburn
It took too long for me to notice
Longer to take action
To work up the nerve
Rummage through drawers
Fill my hand with foam
Awkwardly touch Dad's razor to my cheek
Figure out the mechanics
Know what to do
When I first drew blood
A mess of toilet paper and band-aids
Dull blade across acne
A decapitation to rival Louis XVI
Only, less intentional
That daily experiment:
With the grain, or against
Foam, gel, or a dry shave
The Christmas Norelco
Never close as a blade
But always less carnage
One quick pass
Or several
The patches broadened
Eventually connected
Traced a path along chinstrap
Arched up under nose
Never really filled in the cheeks
It still grows out awkwardly
More neck than face
No five o'clock shadow graces my cheekbones
Late in the day
There is no moment of handsome
It is the disappointment of maturity
One more inconvenience of manhood
I've stopped letting them grow
Save for occasional lazy weekends
Now they're sprouting the wrong shade of old

22/30 ACME to Wile E Coyote, the sestina version

Dear Mr. Coyote, please accept our sincere
condolences. We were sorry to hear that product

#257663 Deluxe Rocket Skates, which you purchased from ACME,

was in use during an incident causing you bodily harm,

resulting in several broken bones and your fur being consumed

by flames. Your feedback on our product we greatly appreciate.

Although we appreciate

your pain, it is with sincere

regret we inform you that when your receipt was consumed

in the resulting fireball your product

warranty was rendered void. Any harm

that came to you can not be attributed to ACME.

Mr. Coyote, here at ACME

customer service is job #1. We appreciate

your business and wish for no further harm

to befall you. If you are sincere

in your threat to sue for product

liability, there may be a series of countersuits in which you will be consumed.

But if you are not, please know we are consumed

with desire to keep you as a loyal ACME

customer and advise you again to consult each product

manual's warning list prior to use in order to appreciate

the range of potential danger. Please make a sincere

effort to do so to avoid future bodily harm.

And while there is no real harm

in attempting the unique styles of bird hunting that have consumed

your life all these years, we wonder how sincere

your expectation of success could have been when you used ACME

model #257333 Deluxe Rocket Skates as projectiles, or if you appreciate

your own culpability in the mishap that occurred while using our product.

Since your injuries were a product

of your own misuse of flammable rocket fuel, there is no harm

in offering a conciliatory gift, which we hope you will appreciate.

A 20% discount on size XL steel bear traps,model # 974286, which consumed

the majority of last year's orders you placed with ACME.

Again, please read all manuals. Our concern is sincere.

We appreciate the brand loyalty with which you are consumed.

We are sincere in wishing you no further harm.

Mr. Rod R. Unner, Senior VP for Product Liability Evasion, ACME

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

21/30 Almost me (a triolet)

Enthralled by fear and fresh regret
I tell the cop two bold-faced lies

These trembling eyes taste beads of sweat
Enthralled by fear and fresh regret

So sure the cruise control was set
Speed limit dropped, to my surprise
Enthralled by fear and fresh regret
I tell the cop two bold-faced lies

20/30 chronic pain management

Patient medical history questionnaire
Designed by clinicians to streamline visits
More patients, more money, less time
Less personal, less quality, more errors
Life history of health reduced to multiple choice
Pick A or B
Sometimes, always, never
"It depends" is not an option
There is no check box for this illness
This brand of pain
"Does it interfere with my work,
My sleep, my happiness?"
The answer is yes, that's why I'm seeing a doctor.
The answer is no, because I grit my teeth and deal.
The answer is not a check mark in a box.
The plastic wristband they give me has two barcodes
One patient number
One date of birth
One name
The records are no longer hand-written
Not kept in files
They are digital
To their machine, even a name is a number
A string of ones and zeros
1 or 0
Yes or No
Check this box, or don't.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Sunday, April 24, 2011

19/30 Phototropism

We are biologically programmed
To yearn for daylight
But growth is a function of shade
Not sun
On the dark side, growth is driven
Rich hormones causing cell elongation
Out-pacing the sunny side
Stem bending gradually sunward
Leaves broadside to the light
The same light that stunts growth on one side
Brings health to the whole organism
It's always the way
Doctor says to be healthy
Lose weight
We eat fewer calories
Starve our metabolism
Store less energy as fat
Counterintuitive, yet practical
We prune trees back to make them grow
Accelerate into a skid
Give stimulants to calm nerves
And take the New Jersey Turnpike in the hope of getting there faster
Who knows why,
But somehow, it works
A life full of solutions we would never expect
Til we breathe our last
Close our eyes to the sun
And let our souls walk
Toward the light.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

18/30 Waiting at Peter's

It all just happened so quickly
You know,
One day we're following our Lord across the country,
Following him into the city
A parade in his honor
Enjoying the hero's welcome they gave him along the route
Then there was the awkward seder
That thing with Judas
The whole drink my blood thing
Nobody really knew what to make of that
But we know better than to question
We've come to learn that everything He says
Always makes sense eventually
Sometimes you just have to sleep on it.
Which is what we did after it was all over
The night before, nobody got a wink
But now, He's dead.
We were expecting a miracle
He always pulls off a miracle in times like this
Gets everyone to listen to Him
Always with the a-ha moments
So when he actually died yesterday
We were still waiting for the rim-shot
For oohs and aahs of amazement
But instead
It was pretty much silent

Since they put him in the tomb
We've all been over at Peter's
Drinking his cheap wine
And avoiding eye contact all Sabbath.
Nobody really knows what we're supposed to do
There's not even a football game tomorrow
Maybe a Nascar race
Peter's got a decent flatscreen, at least.
The girls are headed over to the tomb tomorrow morning.
Hoping to prepare the body properly
Put that box of myrrh the wise men gave Him
To good use.
His mother kept it all that time
It's like she knew.

Nobody's talking about it today
We clink glasses in silence
Trying to figure out what to say
The last three years has been so eventful
We should really write a book about it
A couple of these guys are decent writers
Matthew, Mark, John
And Luke's not bad
Still, I just can't believe He let them crucify Him
Didn't end things with more of a bang
Than that crazy storm
The things we've seen Him do
Healing the sick, the blind
Raising the dead
I was so sure there would be a grand finale
I hadn't prepared for this moment
None of us had, it's clear
Our spirits died with Him
We can figure it out tomorrow morning
Once the girls get back from the tomb
Maybe somebody will be alive enough tomorrow
To tell us what to do next

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

17/30 Regret

To be fair,
As babies go,
You weren't the ugliest.
You were just an afterthought
Slightly large ears
Tiny swirl of hair on an otherwise bald head
Bright blue eyes that never blink
Cheeks that glow red
Not exactly Bride of Chucky
But not beautiful

You came home to our house with your little pink hat
Tiny baby bottle
Tiny syringe we never expected
We did not read the fine print
When our daughter first took your hand
You coughed, your sickly cough
The only sounds we ever heard you make
That dry, repeating cough
And the sound of your head
Clunking on each step

She loved you from the first moment
This surprised us
Two years as only child
And never once had she shown interest
In babies
Even as Mama's belly grew
And talk of a baby sister peppered daily conversation
But from that first moment
She wanted to hold you
Laughed when you coughed
Dragged you up and down the stairs by your foot.
Clunk, clunk, clunk
The first time it frightened us
Fearing it was her head on the stairs
We felt relief that it was only you
The $3.74 baby doll
From the 80% off clearance
Discounted toys that had not sold well
Pariahs of the retail world
Tired action figures from last year's summer blockbuster
Educational arcade games that no child would enjoy
The black-skinned Barbie dolls
Collecting dust on New Hampshire shelves
And you,
The smiling, sickly baby.
Molded plastic head and limbs
Stuffed cloth torso hiding an internal battery pack
Had I looked once at the box,
Beyond the red price tag
Noticed the plastic syringe
The plastic injection port sewn into your backside
I would have thought twice.
She had other babies
Soft and cute
Never took an interest
Beyond arranging them on shelves among countless stuffed animals
But you she loved
Like she loved her baby sister
You made her feel special
She could change your diaper, just like Mommy
Watched and imitated maternal care
Changed and swaddled you ten times an hour
Even lifted her shirt to feed you
We'd thrown away the syringe
You sleep in her bed now
With you there. she is not anxious
We know your voice
cough, cough
It reassures us that our child is well

16/30 To the seeds I started a month late

You were never forgotten

In fact

I thought of you more in the waiting time

Than if you'd been started on time

I have spent emotion on your welfare


I should have just done it


Will you blossom in time


Is there time now to bear your fruit

Before the frost consumes you

You are crowded

I know

I knew better even then

But you were last year's seeds

There were too few earthen pots

And I had a three year old helping me

Just be glad you are sprouting

And hope my thumb is green enough

This year

To tell the spinach from the basil

And the peppers

15/30 Reflections of Umar

I said I would do it for Allah
I would do it for Jihad
Would do it for revenge
To teach the infidels a lesson
To receive the glory of martyrdom
In truth
I just did it for the virgins.

I tried, in my youth, to be pure
To avoid the temptations of the eyes
The sins of the flesh
And, for the most part
I succeeded in this, and yet
Success comes at a cost

They promised me virgins
They promised wives and pleasure
Eternal happiness
Great honor
For me and for my family
I was certain the next sight I would see
Was paradise
I have failed

The boy in the seat next to me
Seemed kind, about my age
I greeted him kindly
Thanked him when he got up
To let me use the restroom
To prepare the mixture that would kill him
The dense powder sewn into my underpants
By a long-bearded man half a world away
This boy was kind, for an infidel
Even in the aftermath
While others cursed and manhandled me
His eyes were sad and forgiving

My ears popped
As the flight began its descent
I hid beneath a blanket
Secrecy, but also shame
Whispered "Insha Allah"
Reached my hand into my pants
Pushed the plunger on the syringe of acid
Tomorrow, I would be a headline
Two hundred eighty-nine victims
Seventy-two virgins
One martyr

It burned
Then popped and burned more
I was ready for paradise
Bid farewell to my mortal flesh
But the pain brought me back into it
The stench of smoke
The cries of passengers
A man shouting in Dutch wrestled me to the floor
It burned with a pain I have never felt
It seared my most tender skin
For what seemed like hours
There are things worse than death
There was pain in humiliation
And humiliation in the pain

Imprisoned now, and horribly scarred
A painful, daily reminder
I will see no women in this place
Virgins, or otherwise
If nothing else, that is a blessing
But no consolation
I am a failure
A dishonor to those who sent me
I will die here forgotten

I keep my eyes closed when I bathe
Use the toilet
Change my clothing
I can not bear the sight
The reminder of my past
And future
The reality I once denied
That I did not do this for Allah
I did this for the virgins
I did this to myself

Monday, April 18, 2011

14/30 Confession of a Beowulf

I, Beowulf,
Do solemnly swear
To tell the truth, the whole truth
For once in my life
Here it is:
I paid Grendel to take a dive.
There, I said it.
Yes, I did kill him,
But you can't really call that a win.
The whole sneaking into our camp,
And the whole grabbing his arm thing...
That was planned.
And I feel really badly that he killed and ate one of my men in the process
I should have seen that coming
And it did make the whole thing look plausible in the end, didn't it?
The plan was to get him in an arm hold
Shackle him with chains we had conveniently laying around
Leave him stranded in the wilderness
Of course, we told his mother where he'd be
She would have rescued him soon as she finished counting all that gold
They were set to retire on the Riviera with that cash
Quit the pillaging business altogether
Let me be a hero for a while
It had taken a little convincing
But they'd had a good run
And the price was right
Just make it convincing, I told him, or all bets are off.
He played the part perfectly.
I just didn't know his arm was going to tear off like that.
Maybe it was the adrenaline
But I didn't think I was pulling that hard
I thought for a moment the joke was on me,
But it definitely wasn't a fake arm.
I tried to apologize, but he ran off into the marsh too quickly.
Killing his mother was just to save face.
I mean, I'd just killed her son by accident
And felt bad about that
But I couldn't let word get back to the king, now could I?
And she still had my money
Which I would need, if I was to be king of my own people.
Thought I had the whole mess swept under the rug,
But then the dragon showed up
Like I needed one more thing to deal with.
Why a slave would go and steal the cup from a dragon is beyond me.
If you need a cup that badly
There have got to be easier places to get yourself a drinking vessel.
My men agreed.
They were all so sure I could take the dragon
Let me march right in there on my own
Only thing is,
Dragons don't take bribes so easily.
That thing singed my marshmallows something fierce.
Don't believe the lore.
When we went back in,
It was Wiglaf who killed the thing.
I was hiding in the back of the cave when that stalagmite knocked loose
Who'd have thought
Death by stalagmite impalement
Wiglaf's a good guy, though.
Whispered in my ear at the lights went out
He'd let me take the credit for it.
"Stalagmite wound," he said,
"Looks like a dragon bite to me."
Atta boy, Wiglaf.
I taught you well.
"No, Sir, you didn't."
"The story just reads better this way."
"They'll still be reading it hundreds of years from now," he told me.
"Every high school kid will need a copy."
"And I'll be there, collecting the royalty checks."

13/20 Two Lumps

The man across the small table avoids eye contact
as I avoid his in return.
He is my friend.
We share history,
know each other's fears,
This will be one of them,
shifting awkwardly in pink chairs too small for us
while blond-haired girls smile and make a fuss.

Their daddies are having a tea party.

We dutifully accept refills with pinkies raised.
My child asks,
"One lump or two?"
then bonks me on the head with a plastic tea tray when I answer.


The other daddy laughs,
as do our children,
though neither has ever seen
Saturday morning cartoons.

This is learned behavior.
This is ritual.
This is tradition.
There have been many tea parties.
This will not be the last.
Our cups are refilled,
Imaginary cream, sugar, and British accents.
We will not admit our smiles are genuine.
This secret
will go with us to our graves.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

12/30 ACME to Wile E Coyote

Dear Mr. Coyote,

Thank you for your recent correspondence regarding the unfortunate mishap that occured in using our ACME rocket skates model #257663. We were sorry to hear that your first attempt to use the product resulted in the incineration of your fur and subsequent propulsion off the edge of a high, rocky outcrop. From your account of events, however, it would not appear that the product malfunctioned in any way.
On page 73b, subsection 9 in the PDF version of your user manual, which is available for download at our extensive website, you will note in the footnote section of the fine print that this novelty product is intended to be used by experienced professionals only on a closed course that is free of all physical hazards and flamable materials. In addition, your employment of the devices for hunting purposes does not fit within the stipulations of "entertainment purposes only." It is clear that your use of this product violated product use recommendations, thereby rendering the warranty and product satisfaction guarantee null and void. We regret that we can not refund your purchase price of 139 samoleons in this instance. We sincerely hope the upcoming skin grafts are successful. You have been a valued customer of our products since 1952, and we would hate to lose you as a customer. For your troubles and as a thank-you for your repeat business, we would like to extend a 20% price discount on your next purchase of a galvanized iron bear trap, size XL. Product #194726. Please remember to read the full version of the product manual before making use of any future ACME products. They are available for free download at
We look forward to continuing to fulfil your novelty product needs for years to come.
Rod R. Unner
VP product liability evasion, ACME Inc.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

11/30 Uniformitarianism

I am not a religion.
I am a principle.
I enable the study of pre-history.
Because of me,
Logic springs from speculation.
Because of me,
The future is no longer mysterious.
Because of me,
The world will go on turning
Like it always has.
And no,
I will not officiate your wedding.
And no,
I will not tell you why
Other than to say
It's always been that way.
Consult a dictionary
If you still don't understand.
But if I'm correct,
You still won't understand.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

10/30 Tax Return Fandango

Dumpster dive for receipts
Empty drawers and old files
Build a shrine of financial regret
To the year just gone by
It is April
And once again
Procrastination has triumphed
The threat of deadlines and penalties
Looms ever closer
Despite the year-long vow
To avoid filing for an extension
The option is more attractive by the moment
There will be no juicy return this year
Oh, no.
Money is owed
Uncle Sam is eyeing that wallet
More desperately than in the past
We know the score
Time to pay the piper
We dare not keep him waiting

Monday, April 11, 2011

9/30 The colors of April

The water is freezing,
The waves crash with renewed vigor,
The rocky intertidal has been as near-dead
As the local clam shack for months.
No tourists
Little motion among the boulders
No love.

Each morning the sun casts long shadows earlier
Lingering longer on the horizon in the afternoon
And slowly the seaweed wakes up.
Mucous-filled bladders swell with anticipation
More mucous-y and bladdery and tinged with orange.
The flatworms and nudibranchs rise up in full glory,
Swords at the ready to fight for dominance.
Make lumpfish adorn a crimson hue,
Hoping their color will attract the ladies.
Never does it occur to them that they remain
One of the ugliest fish in the ocean.
Lobsters molt and await the sweet embrace.
Horseshoe crabs crawl into the shallows
With one thing on their minds
Gulls gather tall grasses
Build crude nests for the eggs growing inside them.
Whales put every piece of their skeleton to good use.
The coral broadcast their seed far and wide,
Counting on probability to carry them to a good home.
The water froths with the foam of spring.
With larvae and pollen and the Fucus mucous.
Obscure cells wake from their dormancy
And give each other "come-hither" looks
Winter has gone to bed
Warm winds of change are blowing in on the tides
And everything
Is reproducing.

8/30 Rites of Spring

Snow Shovel,
you do this every year,
taking it personally
when they hang you
in the back of the shed.
You've had your days in the sun
all winter
making short work of snow banks
peeling ice from the driveway
and loving every minute of it.
Of course, you complained about that, too.
They work you too hard, you moaned,
don't take care not to dull your blade,
bend your handle to the point of breaking.
We told you then, and we tell you now:
Quit your whining already,
you big baby.
Now don't get us wrong,
We like you, buddy.
But for a heavy-duty hand tool
you don't exactly act the part.
A little less drama would be nice,
and would you quit acting so jealous and indignant
on those rare instances in deep January
when they reach for the rake or the broom
to pull snow off the roof.
You just weren't built for that kind of work,
and you're afraid of heights anyway.
But for now,
why not just enjoy the weather?
hang out
make the best of it.
You won't be cooped up here all summer, you know.
They're sure to take you out a few times,
use you as a giant dust pan
when they sweep winter sand off the driveway
or clear ash out of the fire pit.
Oh, yes, your allergies.
I forgot, you were all bent out of shape after last year.
I can't help you.
Hang there and sulk until December, if you like.
Just cut the spade and rake a little slack.
Sure, they get out a lot more when the days grow long,
but remember
it's manure they're moving around this time of year.
The snow is all but melted.
The flies will be out before you know it.
You're not missing much. 

Saturday, April 09, 2011

7/30 Overdue library book

Your scalding screech

Cast visions of fresh elderberry.

Foolish Brother Robert,

Did you think I wouldn't have known?

You, spreading this nugget of juicy gossip,

Ein Schmuckstücke.

Get your 50/50 tickets now.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

6/30 Osterhase takes a year off

It's not just the arthritis,
Though, that is part of it.
It's the exponential growth of the population that's making it so tough.
It was easy enough in the 1700s,
When the only kids that knew I was coming
Were the Dutch kids in Pennsylvania.
And they didn't expect much from me back then.
Those kids were so easy.
Right to bed after sundown without a peep.
All I'd do is show up and lay a few colored eggs.
None of the chocolate nonsense they expect today.
They'd have an empty nest made up all ready to fill.
Usually an upside-down hat or bonnet.
And it wasn't every kid that got the eggs, either.
Only the good ones.
I'd share lists with old Belsnickel so we were on the same page.
Back then, he used to hit the naughty ones with a switch,
But I think I softened him over the years.
Since he started wearing the red suit
He just brings the treats.
When word got out, though
All the other kids started expecting me to show up.
Naughty or nice, if I didn't leave something
I'd get the calls from angry parents.
And these kids expected a basket, too.
A new one every year!
Do you know how many baskets that is?
They use the same Christmas stocking
Why they can't keep their old Easter basket I'll never know.
The arthritis started flaring up in the mid 20th century.
Population had topped 100 million,
And frankly I just couldn't lay the eggs fast enough.
Imported extra from Mexico for a while
Until we got a fertilized batch.
What a media nightmare that was.
I switched back to domestic bunny eggs after that
Which was rough for a few years.
When those plastic eggs came along,
I tell you
I thought my problems were solved.
Cut back on the laying
Started stuffing those things with candy,
Which the kids liked better anyway.
Snapping all those eggs together
Really did a number on my knuckles, though.
The population quadrupled last century,
Does anybody appreciate this?
No - they just want bigger baskets
More chocolate, more jelly beans,
iPod gift cards... do you know how painful it is to lay one of those?
I just can't keep up any more.
Make your own baskets this year.
Lay your own colored eggs.
You'll see.
It's not as easy as it looks.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

5/30 Changing of the guard

I make no time for the rumors of lemmings
Choose not to dwell on worries
Of viscosity and thermal breakdown
Tear those reminder stickers off
Minutes after they put them on
This every three thousand miles thing
Is conspiracy theorist nonsense
There is no magic spell for car longevity
We must throw off superstition an embrace the reality of impending doom
When it gets old,
The car will break down anyway.
Let us embrace this glass as half-empty
And enjoy the drink while it lasts.

4/30 Charles' Law Goes on a Diet.

At constant pressure, the volume of a given mass of an ideal gas increases or decreases by the same factor as its temperature on the absolute temperature scale.
The pressure is constant. The volume is variable. The gas is ideal.
The temperature is the dependent variable.
The volume is the manipulated variable.
The temperature scale is absolute.
Absolute temperature.
The volume increases.
The mass increases.
The pressure is a given.
The mass is given, but not ideal.
The pressure increases.
The pressure is the same.
The scale is a factor.
Gas is constant.
It is less than ideal.
The decrease is manipulated.
The scale is constant.
It will not decrease.
Pressure is a factor.
The ideal is pressure.
The mass is absolute.
The scale is dependent.
The mass decreases.
The volume decreases.
The decrease is absolute.
The mass is ideal.
The mass is constant.
The mass is the same.
The pressure is decreased.
The scale is constant.
The mass is constant.
The volume is constant
The constant is ideal.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

The marriage conference that transformed us

Eager to improve our communication and keep the spark alive,
We diligently completed the personality self-assessment
At the conference on marriage, love, and laughter.
Tallying our own scores, we were divided into four very scientific personality types:
Lions, Beavers, Otters, and Golden Retrievers.

She, predictably, came up equal parts gung-ho lion and optimistic otter,
While I was dead split task-planning beaver and sensitive golden retriever.
The motivational speaker affirmed that opposites attract,
encouraging us to value our partner's strengths and remember
that no matter what we do, we will never be able to change their animal nature,
Only ourselves and our expectations of them.

We linked arms through the conference,
Exchanged jabs and knowing glances when his comments hit home
And left more in love than we've felt in a while.

Riding home together, side by side, lion-otter and beaver-dog,
We debriefed each other about what we'd learned.
While we were talking, she pulled a large stone and her lunch bag from under her seat,
placing the stone squarely on her chest.
"You know," I said, "I realize I'm not supposed to be critical,"
"but do you think it's safe to be cracking abalone shells like that while you drive?"
A disapproving growl issued from somewhere beneath her ribcage.
Her nimble, furry fingers paused, shell in hand.
"This is my car." she said, "I won't make a mess."
"But what do you think you're doing?"
I paused, mid-bite, removing my long incisors from her dashboard.
"That's not even real wood. I knew I should have gone with a different trim."
I agreed. That plastic trim had a terrible after-taste.
I nuzzled her in apology and gave her my paw.
"I hope your dew claw isn't what I feel snagging my sweater..."
I'm always doing that to her. Never on purpose. Drives her crazy.
"Never mind, it wasn't you. Just a piece of abalone shell.
Look at that - some meat still attached to it, too! Glass half-full!"

I thumped my flat tail in approval and stuck my head out the window,
Wet tongue flapping in the 80 mph air.
"I thought we were supposed to be improving our communication,"
she reminded me.
"In a minute," I told her. "I'm busy appreciating your driving."
She could have roared.
She could have bitten my head off.
Instead, she pawed lovingly at the scruff of my neck,
resisting the urge to remind me
not to shed on the upholstery.

Friday, April 01, 2011

2.5/30 Scathingly Bad Haiku

A joke I heard from David Sedaris this week (in haiku):
Doctor says, "You've got..."
"Cancer... and Alzheimer's." Wow.
Least it's not cancer.

When you "walk" your dog
You know what it's gonna... doo.
His yard? Nah, leave it.

Your diaper box says
These are super absorbant.
Yeah, my shirt is too.

Harry Potter walks
in on Dumbledore naked
and is scarred for life.

On "Do-it-yourself"
Projects, I have my T's crossed.
Still always need help.

Ninja slam costume
suit, mask, nunchuks... April fools?
Damn you, McKendy!
(Matt Richards, Sam Tietel, Tim Veilleux, Mark Palos, whoever else needs taunting.)

Westboro Baptist
Church gets more press than poets.
We need dumber signs.

Guys with prosthetic
legs who live in glass houses
shouldn't throw legs, man.

Chore list while she's gone:
Can't find Swiffer pads. Only
Kotex wings. Floor's clean!

I have got issues
With old folks; driving; slowly;
Through storefronts; naked.

I forget this line
My memory is leaky.
Poetry is hard.

1.5/30 Dredged Up Melody (Sestina)

Sestina for a Dredged up Melody

I came down here fully intent
on purging one more storage box
of all its old junk and failed again.
This worn cassette, the "Eros/Pathos Mix"
Someone made just for me, saying, "Listen,
I love you..." I am vague on the context.

And it's all about context
Not merely content. Mix tapes declare intent,
but you must know how to listen
unpack them like dream meanings, like Pandora's box
Mix tapes are made when our own words are too simple, a mix
of poor diction and things we can never take back again.

I was always taking her back, again.
That was surely the context.
We were an unsustainable mix
of selfless friendship and narcissistic intent.
More pathos than eros, the cassette box
title spoke wisdom in volumes. Our denial did not listen.

Side A, Side B. I am tempted to listen
unearth that yellow Walkman again
dust off the old boom box
hear the wrong kind of love, out of context.
I came down here to clean house. Never intent
on stirring pots. Oil and water still will not mix.

I remember these songs, a mix
of college bands we'd listen
to only on road trips, intent
on enjoying ourselves, always falling out again
just when things got good. Same issue, different context.
Rats in a labyrinth, we were never leaving the box.

I can't sort through this box.
Trash, treasure, and sentiment: Good mix
tapes are scaffolded architecture. Same junk, same boxes, new context
for souvenirs of a self I do not miss. I can not listen
to nostalgia pangs; vowed never to heed again
that atonement and endearment she recorded with structured intent.

I'd hear overtone context, read lines outside the box.
I would know their intent. She crafts a good mix
tape. I can never listen to those songs again.

Your blog is better than my blog.