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Thursday, November 15, 2012

67/365 Shut Up, Unicorn

Shut up, unicorn!

One stupid horn and you think you're the greatest thing since sliced bread

Prancing around with your gleaming white coat

Shimmering in the moonlight and farting rainbows

Just a stupid mule with a horn

Seriously, it isn't as though that thing gets wi-fi or or anything...


Wait, IT GETS WI-FI???

I hate you, unicorn.

No, wait.  Don't go away.

Just, wait, just stand still for a minute.

Tilt your head like this.  Hold on.

My email isn't done syncing.

Okay, now you can go pout in the corner

Shed a tear, and watch:

Some Harry Potter fan

Will inevitably attempt to collect it

And feed that tear to his dying grandmother

Thinking it will keep her alive forever

Superstitious fools.

You're just a crying horse.  With a horn!

They'll never learn to be skeptics.

Not til you've impaled a couple more of them idiots

And it gets on national TV

And even then, your emotional imbalance

Your fits of rage and violence will

Only make you more of a legend!

You just keep prancing,

Prance away, stupid unicorn, the way you do.

Drop your technicolor manure in the middle of the street

Watch the children scurry to collect it like it's free candy

The housewives mix it in to their prize gardens

Impress all their neighbors

It's just horse poop.

Smells as bad as mine does, only my manure is just plain old brown

And nobody gives two shakes where I drop a turd

As long as I'm not flying over them at the time.

Rainbow feces.  That can't be healthy.

Clearly your digestive system is in poor shape

Bacterial imbalance or hemorrhoids or some such.

Is that why you walk the way you do? 

Why you prance around like some trained circus animal?

Like you're better than me?

Well go ahead and prance, then!

Prance all you like.  You'll never leave the ground.

You're nothing special.

You don't have wings.

You can't fly.

You can't do anything.

I have wings.

I can fly.

I am a flying horse, for crying out loud!

They don't want to collect my tears, though.

No body thinks I'm magical or potentially fearsome.

Wild, I guess, and majestic, maybe, but mostly

I'm just some birdie horse they want to keep in a cage

Spray that glitter stuff all over me

Put a saddle on my back

And let screaming little girls in pink and tiaras go for a flying pony ride.

Every last one of them wants a ride on the pegasus

And maybe that's all I'm good for.

At least I'm good for something

But you,

You're just a stupid horse
with a horn.

Your blog is better than my blog.