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Tuesday, April 05, 2011

4/30 Charles' Law Goes on a Diet.

At constant pressure, the volume of a given mass of an ideal gas increases or decreases by the same factor as its temperature on the absolute temperature scale.
The pressure is constant. The volume is variable. The gas is ideal.
The temperature is the dependent variable.
The volume is the manipulated variable.
The temperature scale is absolute.
Absolute temperature.
The volume increases.
The mass increases.
The pressure is a given.
The mass is given, but not ideal.
The pressure increases.
The pressure is the same.
The scale is a factor.
Gas is constant.
It is less than ideal.
The decrease is manipulated.
The scale is constant.
It will not decrease.
Pressure is a factor.
The ideal is pressure.
The mass is absolute.
The scale is dependent.
The mass decreases.
The volume decreases.
The decrease is absolute.
The mass is ideal.
The mass is constant.
The mass is the same.
The pressure is decreased.
The scale is constant.
The mass is constant.
The volume is constant
The constant is ideal.

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