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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

15/30 Reflections of Umar

I said I would do it for Allah
I would do it for Jihad
Would do it for revenge
To teach the infidels a lesson
To receive the glory of martyrdom
In truth
I just did it for the virgins.

I tried, in my youth, to be pure
To avoid the temptations of the eyes
The sins of the flesh
And, for the most part
I succeeded in this, and yet
Success comes at a cost

They promised me virgins
They promised wives and pleasure
Eternal happiness
Great honor
For me and for my family
I was certain the next sight I would see
Was paradise
I have failed

The boy in the seat next to me
Seemed kind, about my age
I greeted him kindly
Thanked him when he got up
To let me use the restroom
To prepare the mixture that would kill him
The dense powder sewn into my underpants
By a long-bearded man half a world away
This boy was kind, for an infidel
Even in the aftermath
While others cursed and manhandled me
His eyes were sad and forgiving

My ears popped
As the flight began its descent
I hid beneath a blanket
Secrecy, but also shame
Whispered "Insha Allah"
Reached my hand into my pants
Pushed the plunger on the syringe of acid
Tomorrow, I would be a headline
Two hundred eighty-nine victims
Seventy-two virgins
One martyr

It burned
Then popped and burned more
I was ready for paradise
Bid farewell to my mortal flesh
But the pain brought me back into it
The stench of smoke
The cries of passengers
A man shouting in Dutch wrestled me to the floor
It burned with a pain I have never felt
It seared my most tender skin
For what seemed like hours
There are things worse than death
There was pain in humiliation
And humiliation in the pain

Imprisoned now, and horribly scarred
A painful, daily reminder
I will see no women in this place
Virgins, or otherwise
If nothing else, that is a blessing
But no consolation
I am a failure
A dishonor to those who sent me
I will die here forgotten

I keep my eyes closed when I bathe
Use the toilet
Change my clothing
I can not bear the sight
The reminder of my past
And future
The reality I once denied
That I did not do this for Allah
I did this for the virgins
I did this to myself

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