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Saturday, April 30, 2011

30/30 The Not So Grand Finale

The children gaze skyward
Wide-eyed and covering their ears
Their wonder is genuine
Their appreciation coming in squeals and shudders
They are naive
Thinking each burst is the best one yet
The adults watch them
Dancing on spent sparklers
Flinching with each delayed boom
Delighting in the crackles and bright fireflies
Duller than we remember
But to them, there could be nothing more brilliant
We are creating their memories
Watching their childhood take shape
Their mirth is the true entertainment here
Together awaiting each barrage
Perk up at false starts
Glance hopefully at watches
With every pregnant pause
We hold hands
Savoring the faces of our children
They don't yet know the word finale
Glance sideways in the glow, perplexed
Ask why the neighbors depart early
No concept of traffic and timing
Never wondering how much this production all cost
They don't care about such trivia
While the sky is erupting above
This show is for them
Each burst jolts their sternum
They fear the low aerials
Watch lingering comets of perchlorate fall
Wonder if they could catch one
Whether it would burn
We assure them they are safe
Just in case, they cover their heads with their hands
It is past their bedtime
The grand finale explodes
Small jaws drop
Speechless for the first time all night
Adult shoulders shrug
Smiling and relieved
Dreading the inevitable gridlock of exodus
We exchange knowing glances
We are here for our children
As the finale dims
The last echo fades
The children squeal and applaud
We feign amazement for their benefit
Head for the parking lot
Buckle them tight
We will do this again next year
We promise
It is our tradition
It has always been this way
We will always have a fine time at the fireworks
None the less
They will never be as good as our memory

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