some things are better left unexplained.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Audi Commercial, Superbowl XLVII (short version)

 They say everyone in your dreams
 is actually you.
TV Commercials are meant to be every bit like dreams:
brief distortions of reality that in the moment seem so plausible.
 This year, my little girl and I watched the Superbowl for the dreams.

Did you catch this one?
 The slouching teenage boy
 in the tuxedo is you.
 Mom, who is also you,
 reassures you that lots of kids
 go the prom without a girlfriend.
 Your kid sister
"No, they dont..."
And Dad,
 "have fun tonight."
are also you,
You  toss you the keys to an Audi
 An suddenly you are cruising the streets
 parking in the principal's private spot
 which says everything it needs to
 about the change that has come over you
Because of a car.
 Here you go,
 strutting confidently down the school corridors,
 pushing boldly through the crowd,
 eyes fixed on the object of your desire,
the girl in the tiara.
 Her back is turned.
 You grab her, spin her around
 like you have always wanted to,
 ignore the look of surprise on her face
  pull her toward you
 kiss her fast and hold it.
The entire prom watches this happen and says, “Ooh”
 Her prom king boyfriend turns
 in time to see you kiss his girl
 and gives chase.

 Cut to you,
rocketing off in your Audi, alone
 with  a fresh shiner darkening your eye socket
Howling a predator's victory
 as you drive off into the tag line:
 "Bravery.  It's what defines us."

 Dear Audi,
 Sexual contact
 that involves force
 without consent:
How much closer
 to a definition
 does it have to be?

This is your commercial,
targeted to the awkward teens and their fathers
who watch the superbowl.
To the bystanders in Steubenville
Who looked on and only said, “Ooh!”
You have given them this dream.

Or have you forgotten…

 You are also the girl in the tiara,
 Prom queen,  
 Smiling and happier than you have ever been.
Til you are grabbed, spun, kissed, shamed in front of every friend you have on what should have been the best night of your life.

 Bravery is not
 taking what is not yours
 because you think it should be.

 Bravery starts with getting your own prom date.
 Your car will not do this for you.
 Talk to a girl, awkward boy.
 Ask her if she wants to dance
 or get a coffee,
 or kiss you on the mouth in the middle of the prom
 but when she says no,
and she will,
bravery is the willingness to be rejected,
 to take no for an answer,
 and to be ok with that.

 You are both of them.
 in love with the idea of yourself
 stealing your own dignity
 and thinking you got away with something.
 This will not be the dream
 you will give to my children.
 I will teach my daughter to be brave,
 that she is not just a pretty thing in a tiara
 to be coveted by cretins,
 that there is no love to be found in an ambush
 and that she doesn’t need a prom king
 to throw her punches for her.
 As your eye swells closed
 in its socket,
 perhaps you will remember.
 She is the prom king.

 Bravery.  It's what defines us.

Your blog is better than my blog.