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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

18/30 Waiting at Peter's

It all just happened so quickly
You know,
One day we're following our Lord across the country,
Following him into the city
A parade in his honor
Enjoying the hero's welcome they gave him along the route
Then there was the awkward seder
That thing with Judas
The whole drink my blood thing
Nobody really knew what to make of that
But we know better than to question
We've come to learn that everything He says
Always makes sense eventually
Sometimes you just have to sleep on it.
Which is what we did after it was all over
The night before, nobody got a wink
But now, He's dead.
We were expecting a miracle
He always pulls off a miracle in times like this
Gets everyone to listen to Him
Always with the a-ha moments
So when he actually died yesterday
We were still waiting for the rim-shot
For oohs and aahs of amazement
But instead
It was pretty much silent

Since they put him in the tomb
We've all been over at Peter's
Drinking his cheap wine
And avoiding eye contact all Sabbath.
Nobody really knows what we're supposed to do
There's not even a football game tomorrow
Maybe a Nascar race
Peter's got a decent flatscreen, at least.
The girls are headed over to the tomb tomorrow morning.
Hoping to prepare the body properly
Put that box of myrrh the wise men gave Him
To good use.
His mother kept it all that time
It's like she knew.

Nobody's talking about it today
We clink glasses in silence
Trying to figure out what to say
The last three years has been so eventful
We should really write a book about it
A couple of these guys are decent writers
Matthew, Mark, John
And Luke's not bad
Still, I just can't believe He let them crucify Him
Didn't end things with more of a bang
Than that crazy storm
The things we've seen Him do
Healing the sick, the blind
Raising the dead
I was so sure there would be a grand finale
I hadn't prepared for this moment
None of us had, it's clear
Our spirits died with Him
We can figure it out tomorrow morning
Once the girls get back from the tomb
Maybe somebody will be alive enough tomorrow
To tell us what to do next

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