some things are better left unexplained.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

55/365 My other woman

Do you know she calls you 
My "other woman?"
She's just joking
But she means it.
I crawl into bed ad 2:30 Friday morning
She turns the other way
Mumbles, half-asleep, that my collar smells
Like diner food and second-hand smoke.
I assure her I love her more than anything
It's just, Thursday nights only happen once a week
And Sam says next week's feature is amazing
And if we've never heard them before we need to go
Because they're going to blow us "the f-&#" away
And how could I stay home and miss that?
I love that.
She rolls her head back onto the corner of my pillow
Opens one skeptical eye
"More than anything?"

Saturday, June 09, 2012

54/365 Loving Medusa

Before we met
I'd have laughed at the notion
that I would ever have harmed
a loved one.

They would have called this a crime of passion
had the burning coals seared your eyes shut
blinded you as they should have
I can still hear you scream
the echo of agony escaping the mouth of each serpent
as I whispered from behind your ear,
"This is the only way."
pinned your arms to your sides with all the might
my biceps could muster
until the screams subsided
your breath slowed
shoulders relaxed
I slid around to face you
planted one soft kiss
on those venomous lips
I have learned, by experience
to kiss with eyes closed.
You never had the opportunity
as I leaned close
below the scarred remains of your beautiful eyes
one of them quivered.
The other
I will know this undone wink
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