some things are better left unexplained.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

69/365 The Man Cave

She has no idea why I come down here
Or what it is that I do
For hours.
I don't suppose I expect her to.
It is the man cave, after all, 
and according to Dr. John Gray,
she and I are from different planets.
He says I am here to process stress
by not actually dealing with the issue.
By letting the issue rest, rather than stewing and talking, 
I work through it and deal.
To her, 
I am avoiding the problem,
and what's worse, 
I am loafing.
I've got the television on, 
the computer overclocked, 
the fire blazing, 
and a cold beverage gathering beads of condensation 
while I shuffle through the music of my formative years
lean back in the comfy chair, put my feet up
and remember days that will not happen again.
Some days, I play a video game 
with far-away people I have never met
rather than interact with those creaking the floorboards directly above me.
To her, this is a crime.
To me, it is blissful solitude.
She wants to talk
She needs to talk.
There are things happening
There is stress building
and according to her
There is no other way to relieve her agitated state
than to sit with her 
with the television off
and make eye contact
and listen
and be sure to remember what she says. 
She can always tell when "uh-huh" means I am wishing I was elsewhere.
That's how they do this on Venus
They want to talk
but do not want an answer.
Solutions are of no use there.
I know, it's ridiculous
They need you to listen to them tell about the problem
and all of the issues surrounding the problem
and how the issues surrounding the problem make them feel
and how feeling that way about the issues surrounding the problem 
has affected their level of contentment in such a way.
But they do not want to solve the problem. 
And in particular they do not want you to solve the problem,
the one they just made you sit and focus and listen to
and not say "uh-huh" unless you really mean it.
They don't need to actually get to a solution.
They just need to very clearly identify the need for one
and maybe cry a little or something
and then, 
I don't know, 
I guess they're just good.  
Or at least better enough that they don't need you as urgently.
I'll never really get it.
It's like calling the auto mechanic and spending an hour 
telling them how your car is this noisy jalopy 
that is one backfire away from falling to pieces in the middle of the interstate at rush hour
and then just continuing to drive it around, 
never having had the intention of asking the man to repair it.
This, she seems to understand perfectly.
And yet, 
she does not understand why I would prefer to sit in a comfy chair
eating junk food and drinking an ice cold beverage 
with all of the lights out
except for the glow of the fire
and Mystery Science Theater on the television, 
socially networking on one computer
while killing the bad guys on the other,
pausing every so often to scratch a line onto the waiting page of a poetry journal
left agape on the desktop.
She thinks I am avoiding her
as though I plan to stay down here forever
as though she really, actually wants to hear about the struggles of my day
as though she is ready with a quick fix solution to the smallest of my everyday annoyances
that I have not already considered
as though my sitting in the comfy chair should be taken personally by her
that it has any deeper meaning than, 
"I just want to go do this mindless thing for an hour"
Or six hours.
I will emerge peaceful
It will help me to function after
to listen without distraction
to love her better and more
She doesn't have to understand the magic of the man cave
just the function
the need for diversion, escape and solitude
and trust that it will all be for the best.
They may not do this where she comes from,
but this,
this is something I need.
This is just the Martian way

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