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Monday, February 14, 2011

Uncle Sam to Hosni Mubarak

She loved you once
War hero fly boy
Swooping in to save her,
An unforeseen widow,
In her hour of desperation.

She needed your strength then,
Structure and bravado
Holding her up on your strong arm
Your finest hour
With all the neighbors looking on.

She tolerated your outbursts
Patience and lip-biting
Hoping the neighbors would say something
A shameful admonition
In public she smiled dutifully.

We all knew of your cruelty
Head nods and handshakes
Smiling across your picket fence
Tools loaned but not returned
In hopes hospitality would civilize.

We had an arrangement
Favors for favors
Loathing mutually through pearly grins
Overlooked bruises
You said, "She should learn to be more careful."

You misjudged her, it seems
Poundings and insults
Thinking they would surely break her
Heart of iron
After three decades, hers was tempered.

She stands in the street now
Strength and rebellion
Calling your name with fist raised
Stones piled at her feet
In full view of our peering eyes.

She ignores your wild ravings
Assurance and threatening
Knowing full well what you could do to her
Eyes bruised and swollen
Through these fresh reminders she stares you down.

We peer through cracked window shades
Guilty and awestruck
Yearning to rush to her defense, but we don't
Wisdom of cooler minds:
"No, let her do this for herself."

You panic behind closed doors
Fear and denial
Insisting she still loves you. She needs you.
Windows rattling her rejection
Her voice, as one. "Get out of MY house!"

You refuse, then leave like a coward
No speech or apology
Sending only a terse note in a crony's hands
Three short sentences
The second is all she needs to hear.

We weep in this moment
Relief and liberty
Cheering through open windows
Grins of satisfaction
As if we had anything to do with it.

She takes up her house keys
Tears and dignity
Glaring back at each window on the block
Thirty years of our complacency
And suddenly today we are on her side.

She closes her door
Deep sighs and head shakes
Calling a friend, to say 'thank-you'
Herself, recently separated.

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