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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

8/365 There Were Days

There were days

when discovery was intoxicating
We knit hands
gazed deeply
felt at once nervous and overconfident
They call this falling in love
A misnomer
We kept our feet under us

Grins perpetually creased our cheeks
If you keep making that face,
it'll stay like that.
There were always fresh flowers, knowing winks,
and voices kept pleasant
So used to pulling our punches
in time
we thought of our knuckles as soft
Certain we knew each other’s worst,
we embraced the flaws
never fought about anything
picked the same thing off the menu every time
and agreed one of us should order something different
on principle
I was pleased to settle for my second choice
because you were always my first
and I knew you would share a good bite with me.

There were days
when simple things became complicated
when we messed with each other’s routines
and didn’t know what to do about it
There were days
when you tired of socks and dust bunnies under the bed
dishes in the sink
and my feet on the ottoman
There were days
when I tired of your country music on my car radio
and fake smiles over forced lunch with your friends

There were days
of packing and moving
migraine and morning sickness
back pain and in-laws
not the picket fences we’d once dreamed of living behind

We are different.
Before going out to dinner now
we pack a full bag
We no longer get a window seat
never try to order the same thing
they ask us if we’d like a high chair
or a booster seat for our children
who monopolize all the eye contact at the table
Our meal is punctuated by one or more spilled beverages,
screaming fits,
trips to the potty,
and passers-by who tell us our children “are just so well-behaved”
We pay the bill
leave a tip
kneel on the floor
clean a half cup of spilled rice off the carpet before leaving
run back in because we left a sippy cup on the table
run back in again because we forgot our leftovers

There are days
when our kitchen table can’t recall the smell of fresh cut flowers
and our tone is anything but calm and hushed
There are days
when we call the girls “your daughter”
and we forget to say, “I love you” on the way out the door
It is not as it once was.

It is better.

Heads down from the clouds
we know each other’s worst flaws
are not the scandalous misdeeds
but the annoying ones.
Through the airbrushed haze of romance love was effortless,
but in the midst of snoring
and stolen bedsheets,
bounced checks,
and important things not put on the calendar,
is at its most selfless.

There are days
when you make dinner, do bath times, and comfort our teething child alone all so I can read one poem
There are days
when you let me sleep through the third dirty diaper of the night.
is true love
There are days
when neither of us find it easy to smile
to be thankful
to forgive
and yet we do it in spite of ourselves

This is more than we hoped for
Not so much like what we expected.

I do not fear the pains and awkwardness of old age.
They will surely come for us both
Love will take a greater act of will
knit our arthritic fingers tighter
One day
we will once again share quiet meals
pick the same thing off the menu
earlybird special
I’ll let you have it
I've already got exactly
what I want.

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