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Friday, July 23, 2010

Life Lessons from a Two year old:

If you don’t like it, throw it on the floor and you don’t have to eat it.

Only you decide when and where you will wear shoes.

If you want more attention from those around you, pee your pants and announce it to the room.

When you figure out that saying a certain thing makes people laugh at you, say it over and over and over until it’s not funny anymore. That’ll teach ‘em.

Never accept that something has been placed out of your reach. That's what climbing is for.

Keep yourself unpredictable. Just when they think they’ve got you figured out, change your mind completely so they have to keep working to figure out what will make you happy. Never let it get easy for them.

Once you get an idea in your head, never let it go despite what logical minds tell you. If you want to put on your bathing suit and walk outside at 3AM in January, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Do many spontaneous, fun things that people rave about, but always refuse to do it on command.

Allow only flavor and hunger, rather than logic, to dictate when and what you choose to eat.

Delight in your own body noises is contagious.

Only you decide when and where you will wear pants.

The first time they mess with your nap time, make them sorry they ever did, and it won't happen again.

The ice cream truck is much more interesting than the ice cream.

If you're not sure what it is, bite it.

Don't worry about drool.

Your blog is better than my blog.