some things are better left unexplained.

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Friday, January 08, 2010

Extraction (unfinished)

"There's supposed to be a tooth there"
I remember thinking.
I poked at the newly discovered hole with my tongue.
A little rough on the edges, but otherwise smooth.
Until recently it was covered by a layer of gum.
I never knew it existed - the tooth, much less the cavity.
When did that form?
I kept getting seeds stuck back there
Every time I ate blackberries.
How is it that I never noticed this chasm?

The dentist asked when I'd last had a checkup,
And therein lies the problem.
I don't remember.
I am a procrastinator of the worst sort.
I don't floss no matter how many times they tell me,
And when those 6 month reminders come in the mail
I put it at the bottom of the pile of other things I ought to do something about but never will.
They say when you dream of losing teeth it's a sign of insecurity.
I want you to know that when you dream about having an excruciating toothache radiating down your jaw,
Insecurity is the least of you worries.
When you wake up, it's still there.

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